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  5. Safety Around Railroad Tracks Activities and Videos

ALWAYS EXPECT A TRAIN. Being rail safe means being careful around railroad tracks. Trains are cool and fun, but you have to be careful when you are around them. Parents, it is never too early to teach your kids about rail safety. You are free to download and share our list of coloring sheets and activity books for railroad safety and railroad track rules. This information for motorists, pedestrians, and people at station platforms using fun teaching tools

The Basics of Railroad Safety

Video Playlist: Operation Lifesaver

  • Safety Outreach
    Participate in community events throughout the year as part of our rail safety awareness effort.
  • Rail Safety Education
    Invite Operation Lifesaver for presentations to your community event, your school or organization, or to provide a platform safety briefing.
  • Platform Safety Briefings
    Contact rail safety outreach to provides trip planning assistance for large groups that includes a safety briefing at the station.
  • Rider Etiquette
    All passengers can be considerate and courteous while riding the train, so that all passengers can have a pleasant experience and enjoy the ride.

Operation Lifesaver is a non-profit organization providing public education programs in states across the U.S. to prevent collisions, injuries and fatalities on and around railroad tracks and highway-rail grade crossings.

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