Choose from thousands of gifts from our certified green businesses, working to restore the planet and provide fair labor that lifts people up.
About Green America
Green America periodically produces in-depth consumer guides to help individuals use their economic power to address pressing social and environmental issues.

What Does it Mean to Vote With Your Dollar?
Want to create a greener world that works for all people? One of the most important things you can do is vote with your dollars.
By Green America
Vote with Your Clothes
Consumers can respect workers' rights without giving up looking trendy. With these smart steps, buyers can find great fair trade finds.
Dress with Good in Mind at Green Corporations
Give these selected brands a chance to provide you with sustainable clothing.
Dress Better: Buy from Certified Green Businesses
Feel as good buying your clothing as you do in them. Trust these certified brands to give you quality and sustainable clothing.
Dress Best: Buy Secondhand Clothing
Buy secondhand pieces of clothing through these companies that promote reducing and reusing.
Vote with Your Food
Food that Nourishes People and the Planet
Local, organic, and Fair Trade products can keep your food dollars away from destructive agri-businesses.
Eat Less Meat, Cool the Planet
Reducing the amount of animal products in your diet can prevent tons of greenhouse gases from entering the atmosphere.
Child Labor in Your Chocolate? Check Our Scorecard
Back to the Vote With Your Dollar Toolkit
9 Ways to Support Sustainable Food
Learn how to create a healthier food system
Vote with Your Bank Account
Break Up with Your Megabank in 10 Easy Steps
Learn how to break up with your megabank.
Add Socially Responsible Investments to Your Workplace's Retirement Plan
Back to the Vote With Your Dollar Toolkit Brought to you by Green America and Social(k), national leaders in advancing socially and environmentally responsible investing (SRI).
Vote to Save Forests
Back to the Vote With Your Dollar Toolkit
Support Greener Businesses
Make a difference by supporting green businesses. Take a look at Green America's Green Pages Online to learn more.
16 Green Businesses You Need in Your Life
Get what you need from responsible businesses, not box stores
11 Greener Options Than Amazon
We're trying to get Amazon to build a cleaner cloud. Until they do, shop these greener businesses.