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  4. Holiday eBooks on Celebrated in the United States

Free eBooks to download on American holidays and celebrations. This eBook list includes special celebrations and holidays such as ethnic and religious groups.

Many government offices close on federal holidays and some private businesses may close as well. If the holiday falls during the weekend, the government may observe it on a different day. Public holidays with paid time off is generally defined to occur on a day that is within the employee's work week.

When a holiday occurs on Saturday or Sunday, that holiday is shifted to either Friday or Monday. Most employers follow a holiday schedule similar to the federal holidays of the United States, with exceptions or additions. The federal holiday schedule mainly benefits employees of government and government regulated businesses. However, this sector only comprises 15% of the working population. At the discretion of the employer, other non-federal holidays such as Christmas Eve and the Day after Thanksgiving are common additions to the list of paid holidays while Columbus Day and Veterans Day are common omissions.

Some people get Memorial Day and Veterans Day confused. On Memorial Day, America honors those who died while serving in the military. On Veterans Day, the country celebrates everyone who has served in the military.  

Commonly Celebrated Holidays and Observances

Some holidays honor specific groups and events, such as Valentine’s Day, Earth Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Flag Day, and Halloween. These are not federal holidays. Some holidays and observances receive presidential proclamations.

Ethnic and Religious Holidays

Various ethnic and religious groups in the United States celebrate days with special meaning to them. Some of these holidays include Easter for Christians, the High Holy Days for Jews, Ramadan for Muslims, Day of Vesak for Buddhists, and Diwali for Hindus.

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 Playlist: History of the Holidays

History of the Holidays: History of Thanksgiving | History
Although Thanksgiving celebrations dated back to the first European...
History of the Holidays: History of Valentines Day | History
Join us as we explore the History of Valentines Day. HISTORY®, now...
History of the Holidays: History of Veterans Day | History
A look at the history of the holiday honoring those who fought for...
Cinco De Mayo: A Celebration of Mexican Heritage | History
Cinco De Mayo commemorates the Mexican Army's successful defense of the...
History of the Holidays: Easter | History
A quick look at the holiest day on the Christian calender,...
History of the Holidays: Labor Day | History
While you take your three day weekend, remember those who struggled to...
History of the Holidays: Hanunkah | History
History of the Holidays explores the traditions of Hanunkah....
History of the Holidays: Columbus Day | History
How Columbus Day came to be celebrated. HISTORY®, now reaching more...
History of the Holidays: Halloween | History
Halloween's ancient origins took their modern form in the United...
History of the Holidays: History of Memorial Day | History
Learn more about the History of Memorial Day. #HistoryChannel Subscribe...
History of Mother's Day | History
Find out about the ancient roots and modern history of Mother's Day,...
History of the Holidays: Candy Corn | History
How is Candy Corn created?! Learn the science and history of this...

History of the Holidays: History of Thanksgiving | History

Although Thanksgiving celebrations dated back to the first European settlements in America, it was not until the 1860s that Abraham Lincoln declared the last Thursday of November to be a ...


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