Watch Sesame Street Explores National Parks video series and help children learn that there are so many wonderful and interesting things to observe and discover in nature, such as different habitats and the animals living there. Travel with fun-loving Muppets Elmo and Murray from Sesame Street to two of America's most popular national parks
National Parks and the Gateway to Nature
Explore the National Parks to learn about how nature must intersect, cross and intermingle into our daily lives and how to take advantage of all the parks, mountains, forests and public lands.
Nature Explorer Mission
Six short videos and accompanying hands-on activities are free to view, share, and download. Children will be introduced to the natural world unveiled by Sesame Street, the National Park Service and the National Park Foundation.
Educational Resources
Continue the exploration of nests, seasons, and habitats with these exciting activities! Families may live a distance from National Parks, but you can still take your children on a Nature Scavenger Hunt, complete a Nature Journal, and earn a special Sesame Street Park Ranger badge!
Children will:
- National Park: Nests
Learn what park rangers do.
Discover different birds, insects, and other animals, what their nests look like and what they are made of.
Be introduced to how birds and animals take care of their babies.
Make a bird feeder allowing them to explore even more about birds. - National Park: Families
Learn what park rangers do.
Discover animals and their families.
Discuss what a family is and the similarities and differences between human families and animal families
Draw their own family portrait and an animal family portrait. - National Park: Seasons
Learn what park rangers do.
Learn about the four seasons.
Use their senses to explore each of the four seasons and create a journal - National Park: Habitat
Learn what park rangers do.
Discover different habitats and the animals that live there.
Explore a tree habitat outside and then do an art activity to create a tree habitat.
Download Sesame Street National Park Activities, Information, and Resources

Video Playlist: Elmo and Murray Explores - Gateway National Recreation Area and Grand Canyon National Park
Download the trip planning guide and checklist. Make your fun adventure a safe one too! No one plans to get hurt while out exploring in a National Park. However, nature is unpredictable, structures are historical, and your equipment can unexpectedly fail. Planning can be the key to a fun and safe adventure. Remember, safety starts with you!
National Park Finder App
iPhone, iPad, or iPod
Android Devices
"Explore, Learn, and Protect!" The Junior Ranger motto is recited by children around the country; each taking an oath of their own to protect parks, continue to learn about parks, and share their own ranger story with friends and family.
Adventure Activity Resources
All downloads in this category include Junior Ranger activity books available in each state park. Explore additional subcategories with activities to download for special exhibits, events and National Park Service programs. Be sure to check out other articles in this section for links to resources, information and videos.
Public Downloads
All items are free to view, share, and download.
Public Downloads - Español (Spanish)
When available, we provide all our content with a Spanish version in our public download section. You can find additional material from sources listed in all our articles.
Download Junior Ranger and State Park Program Activities, Information, and Resources
Download Files: Multi-State Parks
Download Files: Songs for Junior Rangers
Download Files: State Parks

Download National Park Information and Resources

Download Environmental and Educational Activity Guides, Information, and Resources

Playlist: Sesame Street Explores National Parks

Sesame Street: Grand Canyon Families
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